The Creators of Tlön – Art exhibition by Viktor Koen

11 March, 2002

The exhibition, The Creators of Tlön,  was based on the short story “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” by Jorge Luis Borges and was presented at the Benrubi Art Gallery from March until September 2002.

The works presented had originally been created for the exhibition “A Vindication of Tlön” which took place during the 2001 photography week organised by the Thessalonica Museum of Photography. The works are a series of portraits of the infamous “bureaucrats” of the writer’s imaginary world. The artist, Koen, used the complex and arduous technique of carbon printing on glass, in his effort to give substance to these personifications of evil. According to him, these fictional archetypal evil-doers are suggestive of those, who, with disturbingly calculated efficiency, tried to exterminate his own people. To him a dark, invisible thread runs through time connecting all those who, when given the opportunity to do harm, take it.