Judaica Europeana

JUDAICA Europeana was one of a series of initiatives supported by the European Commission to establish EUROPEANA, the European digital library. Europeana draws on rich content from libraries, archives and museums.

A prototype is now available at

JUDAICA Europeana identified and digitized Jewish content for Europeana with a projected contribution of several million pages and thousands of other items.

 Its main goals were:

  • Documentation of Jewish expression in Europe
  • Digitisation and aggregation
  • Deployment of knowledge management tools to enable communities of practice to adapt, and apply controlled vocabularies, thesauri and ontologies for the indexing, retrieval and re-use of the aggregated content pertinent to their own areas of interest.
  • Support for the use of the digitised content in scholarship and academic research; university-based teaching; online teaching and learning; museum curatorship and virtual exhibitions; events and initiatives of cultural institutions in European cities; cultural tourism; visual arts, music and multimedia development; formal and informal education.

JUDAICA Europeana’s main challenge was to facilitate access to a critical quantity of Jewish cultural heritage in Europe at the level of individual objects.

JUDAICA Europeana was carried out by a consortium that included the following partners:

European Association of Jewish Culture (London); Judaica Sammlung der Universitätsbibliothek der Goethe Universität (Frankfurt/M); Alliance Israélite Universelle in collaboration with Paris Yiddish Centre—Medem Library; Amitié, Centre for Research and Innovation (Bologna); British Library (London); Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali (MiBAC, Rome); Hungarian Jewish Archives, (Budapest); Jewish Historical Institute (Warsaw); The Jewish Museum of Greece (Athens); The Jewish Museum, London; Associate Partners: Central Zionist Archive (Jerusalem); MAKASH (Jerusalem).

JUDAICA Europeana project started in January 2010 and completed in January 2012.