Images of Greek Jews

A digital exhibition of photographs from the Photographic Archive of the Jewish Museum of Greece
The Jewish Museum of Greece presents the digital exhibition entitled Images of Greek Jews, thereby giving access to its Photographic Archive that contains a large number of photographs covering every aspect of Jewish culture in Greece. The material in the Museum archive consists of original black and white photographs and printed copies, as well as colour prints and slides. All this material has been sorted into approximately one hundred subject areas to facilitate access and filing. The subject matter of the photographs in very rich and covers most aspects of the life of Jews in Greece from the late 19th century to the present day.

Images of Greek Jews
The common denominator of the photographs chosen for this new JMG exhibition is their aesthetic value. The wealth of historical information caught on camera is delegated to a secondary role, since the primary aim of the exhibition is to please the eye and convey the atmosphere and style of an era. The digital exhibition is held within the context of the project Judaica Europeana, in which the JMG is a contributing partner. The project is co-funded by the European Commission eContentplus programme.